Thursday, February 2, 2012

Personal Poster: Photoshop

This is my personal poster. I tried to be crazy, so I used my extreme face-expression-pictures, and my name is Sun, so I picked Sun and Yellow as my theme. I feel like I should add more artifacts to this, but I just wanted to be simple :) I really wanted to think about repetition and composition. Since this was about my personal components, I wanted to have my 'personal' theme. I think it had a pretty strong impact since the background was white. I used grouping feature on Photoshop to group similar components together so that when I tried to move around, it was definitely easier for me. Even thought it doesn't have much of fancy design skills, I still love my poster :)

1 comment:

  1. Since we are trying to deliver a message about ourselves I believe you have a lot of good ideas that work. Using your picture and a picture of a smiling sun shows us that you like to be happy. You also have all about you in the bottom right corner, which tells us more about you.
    I believe you could improve the size of the font. Since this isn't a huge aspect of your creation I don't think it's a huge deal, but it's hard for the viewer to even read it. It probably was easier to read on your own screen. I think you have a lot of positive things going on here, but one thing I would suggest for you to try next time is to add a few more objects or images. This would allow us (the viewers) to get to know more about you through images.
