Thursday, January 19, 2012

Power Point Activity, PARC Before and After

We created this poster using Microsoft Powerpoint with given pictures. Before I created it, I thought about the concept a lot because I was very confused with the format. I tried to choose color theme first and then went from there. Even thought Powerpoint has a lot of amazing features, it was a little hard for me to be very creative with it. I rotated the watering can to place it at the right spot. I looked at many people's examples and they used very similar colors because they all thought about the gardening business, but I definitely wanted to be different from others so I tried to stay with the pink color theme. I cropped out watering can and resized it into smaller version and put it on the far top right corner with some texts. I was shocked about how Microsoft Powerpoint has many designing features. It was very fun!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This can be my research design for given information, and I tried to use a lot of visual to help learners or target audience to understand better and easier. I used SmartArt to start with, and I didn't want to use a lot of words to describe each element, so I used bullets. The standard of the SmartArt that I chose was blue, but I didn't change it because blue seemed to me a pretty comfortable color to look at. I wanted to sort by steps, so I used 8 boxes to explain each element, and it is put into the order it has to be done. I also used a clip art to give more attention to the design.