Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Practice with Photoshop: Shapes

I tried to use different colors and gradient styles for this part because Adobe Photoshop has tons of different styles to choose from. I chose stroke and gradient to add some impact to this image.
I was having troubles creating this/using this feature in photoshop, but my partner Rachael helped me a lot on this part, so it was easy to finish it with any problems. I chose a picture of a random beach from google images because the summer is coming :)
I just changed the color in this section, and it was not too hard. In photoshop, it was pretty easy to pick colors using color picker, so i played around a little bit, and I chose purple for my final image.

I knew how to play around with texture features so I tried to create my own texture but somehow it wouldn't let me create one. So I had to use the given textures in Photoshop, so I implied dotted textures to this image.

Gestalt Assignment

For Similarity, I used cross shaped images, copied and pasted. I did not want to use various shapes to create similarity, and I also thought that would be a little hard to create similarity with different shaped images. However, I used different angles and two different colors to separate two parts, but aligned them in the exact spots, so that it aligns perfectly.

I re-placed 12 circles with different spacing so the shape itself looks smaller and tighter. Spacing and placement definitely control the proportion of the images. The closer the shapes are, the smaller the image gets. I have used Powerpoint to complete these assignments, so it was hard for me to control spacing between the shapes because Powerpoint does not have an automatic placement feature unlike Adobe Photoshop.
Even though each shape does not have full components to make a square, placing them close enough makes a perfect square in the middle. Just like in other section what I was struggling with, for closure, it was very difficult for me to place them in the exact right spot so it would make a perfect square. I used arrow keys on a keyboard to be as concise as possible, and this was the best I could do.

Continuity reminds me of the circle of life. Life patterns are circling around. People are born and die, and I wanted to use this idea to create something for continuity, so I came up with an idea which circles and arrows rotate. Even though it is not a moving picture, I think this final image seems to be flow around.

This assignment reminded me of Repetition because I used the same shapes over and over to make a new shape, and it also reminded me of Harmony because different shapes flow together to create one new image.